Invisalign® clear aligners are the stylish alternative to conventional braces, designed to seamlessly blend into your lifestyle while gently guiding your teeth into their ideal position. Using 3D digital imaging, our team personalizes custom-made aligners that are nearly invisible, so that you can enjoy your natural smile throughout your orthodontic treatment.

The Convenience of Invisalign

One of the greatest perks of Invisalign treatment is its convenience. Since the aligners are removeable, eating is much easier, so that you do not need to change your diet. Oral hygiene is also much easier, allowing you to brush and floss with ease, without the hassle of navigating around wires and brackets.

But convenience does not mean compromising on results. Invisalign clear aligners are engineered to deliver precise, predictable outcomes, helping you achieve the smile you have always dreamed of. And let us not forget about comfort. Say goodbye to the discomfort of metal brackets and wires poking at your cheeks and gums. Invisalign aligners are crafted from smooth, BPA-free plastic, ensuring a comfortable fit that will not irritate your mouth.

Schedule Your Orthodontic Consultation Today

Call Parthenon Dental at 925-718-8483 today to schedule your consultation with our dentist, Dr. Nikolas Stathopoulos, to see if our Invisalign clear aligners in San Ramon, California, are the right option for your orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign and the Invisalign logo, among others, are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc. and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.